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Brand Geek: Pioneering Sustainability in Law
Brand Geek leads in legal sustainability through robust community advocacy and precise environmental measurement and offsets.
Brand Geek creatively cultivates brand protection strategies for social enterprises.
Brand Geek’s leader, Lara Pearson (aka Lara the Lawyer who Loves Law) inspires others with her passion for practicing law in a soulful manner, meaning intentionally being environmentally and socially conscious in all of Brand Geek’s business decisions and interactions. Brand Geek, like other social (soulful) enterprises, measures and manages its environmental and social impacts alongside profitability, and considers its work for the community to be as important as the services it provides.
Integrity • Knowledge • Passion • Joy

volunteer hours contributed to
donated to registered charities
pro bono work donated to League to Save Lake Tahoe
of women in leadership roles
Impact on Community
Brand Geek's 2023 Impact: Sustainable Advocacy
As members of 1% for the Planet since 2006, we dedicated 1% of our revenue and $11,107 to environmental NGOs. In 2023, our team also contributed 67 pro bono hours to the League to Save Lake Tahoe, part of our pledge to donate 3.5% of our gross revenue in pro bono services to NGOs/ We remain committed to environmental stewardship and impactful advocacy.
Impact on Environment
Publice Benefits and Disclosures
Brand Geek selected B Lab’s B Impact Assessment as the third-party standard used to prepare this benefit report because it is the most comprehensive evaluation tool of an enterprise’s environmental and social performance.
B Lab is the non-profit that administers the B Impact Assessment Survey which Brand Geek uses as its third-party standard. Businesses that score at least 80 out of 200 on the BIA are eligible to become Certified B Corps, which Brand Geek has been since February 2008. Brand Geek pays dues to B Lab for that certification in the amount of $1000 in 2022.
Brand Geek has completed the BIA every two years (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024) and has applied the standard consistently.
Lara Pearson is Brand Geek’s Benefit Director.
Overall, Brand Geek met its general public benefit purpose last year and Lara complied with her duty to consider the impact of her decisions on Brand Geek’s Stakeholders.
We would like to thank you for reading our 2022 Impact Report. Being witnessed on this journey helps us make it real and stay accountable to our commitments. Should you have any questions or feedback for us, please contact us at
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